Fight The Bite specializes in pest control services, including treatments for bed bugs in Springfield, Missouri, and surrounding areas.
In today’s blog, we answer frequently asked questions about bed bugs to help you decide if you require our help to eliminate these pests.
Are bed bugs a problem in Springfield, Missouri?
Yes, particularly when travelers come through the city. When you consider Branson sees 9 million visitors per year, most of whom come through Springfield to get there, bed bugs can become an issue. Springfield also sees around 3 million visitors a year.
Why are bed bugs a problem?
These pests are a huge problem because they are small and travel on luggage, backpacks, bags, purses, or other items placed on upholstered surfaces.

How big do bed bugs get?
Bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed, which is why they are hard to detect. They get bigger after they feed and have a balloon shape.

What is the main cause of bed bugs?
Travel represents the most common cause of a bed bug infestation. Even if you don’t travel, someone else might bring bed bugs from another location. They may hide in your purse or clothing to hitch a ride to your house.
How can I prevent a bed bug infestation?
First, research where you stay when you travel. Read reviews of the place where you plan to stay to see if people have reported bed bugs.
Even if you don’t see bed bugs in your lodging, you should still take precautions where you stay and when you come home.
Inspect your lodging area before you unpack your items or clothes. Check the curtains, carpet, walls, and bed for any signs of bed bugs. If you see any of the indications of bed bugs, ask for another room.
Do not put clothes on the bed. Rather, hang them in the closet or keep them in your luggage.
Only use hard-case luggage rather than cloth or upholstered luggage. Bed bugs have a more difficult time crawling on hard, slick surfaces compared to cloth.
After you come home, wash your clothes immediately in the highest warmth setting.
Inspect your luggage and purse after coming home.
Remove clutter from your floor because bed bugs hide in dark areas.
Do not store items under your bed, if possible. Use plastic storage bins or bags to encase items under your bed.
Cover your mattress and boxspring with dust mite-proof encasements. You can purchase special items that perform this function adequately.

Where do bed bugs live?
Bed bugs prefer to hide in small cracks and crevices in a human environment. They’ll hide in mattresses, box springs, and folded areas of beds. They may also hide in upholstered furniture like couches and easy chairs. You might also find them behind baseboards, wallpaper, picture frames, and electrical outlets and switches.
How long do bed bugs live?
Anywhere from two to four months.
When are bed bugs active?
Bed bugs usually come out at night.
What do bed bugs eat?
They feed on the blood of animals, including dogs, cats, birds, mice, rabbits, and humans.

What are signs that you have bed bugs?
Several signs you have a bed bug infestation include:
Bloodstains on your sheets or pillowcases. This comes from bed bugs biting you at night. By the time you wake up, you don’t even realize you’ve been bitten.
Small red spots on your skin. These are the bite marks the bed bugs leave behind.
Dark or rusty-looking spots on bed linens, mattresses, bedclothes, and/or walls. This comes from the bed bugs’ waste excrement.
Egg shells or shed skins in areas where bed bugs hide during the day.
A musty odor coming from the bed bugs’ scent glands.

How do I find bed bugs in my home?
The first place to look is your bed because these insects like to hide near their food source.
Remove all bedding from your bed.
Check the bed and bedding for signs of the bugs.
Remove the dust cover from your mattress because bed bugs can get past that layer.
Examine the seams of the wood framing of your box springs for signs of bed bugs.
Peel back the fabric where it’s stapled to the wood frame to look inside the box spring.
Examine areas around the bed where these pests can hide, such as inside books, telephones, electrical outlets, and radios.
Search around the edges of carpets and rugs as well as in the cracks of floorboards.
Look at your closet because bed bugs may attach to your clothing.
Why are bed bugs hard to get rid of?
Once bed bugs find a viable food source, they rarely leave. Plus, bed bugs and live for months without feeding again if they have to. They also lay a lot of eggs which all hatch quickly.
How many eggs do bed bugs lay?
An individual bed bug can lay anywhere from 200 to 250 eggs over the course of four months. Eggs hatch in six to 10 days, which is why they are so hard to get rid of. Even with a short lifespan, bed bugs multiply rapidly and hide easily.
Can bed bugs make me sick?
Directly, no. Most cases of human sickness after bed bug bites come from allergies, blood loss, or an infection. Allergic reactions to bed bug bites can include itching and swelling. You may see slight redness on your skin from the bites up to blisters.
Why should I get rid of bed bugs?
An infestation of bed bugs can make your home unsightly and ruin your furniture. These pets can also make you, your family, or your pets itchy due to the bites. You may see changes to your skin from tiny areas of redness up to blisters.

What are the best ways to kill bed bugs?
Professional pest control companies like Fight The Bite use two main methods to eliminate bed bugs:
How do biopesticides kill bed bugs?
Biopesticides are derived from natural sources, such as minerals, plants, animals, and bacteria. One common biopesticide uses fungal spores, while another comes from a chemical found in chrysanthemums.

How does a heat treatment kill bed bugs?
The overall goal is to maintain a certain temperature in a room for a prescribed amount of time to kill all bed bugs and their eggs. Bed bugs and their eggs die after being exposed to 118-degree heat for 90 minutes.
What bed bug treatment options do you offer?
Fight The Bite offers biopesticide or heat treatment. You can choose which option is better for you.
Our Rest Easy bed bug treatment comes with a free inspection, a fast-acting treatment, and a 60-day warranty.
What company offers bed bug eradication services in Springfield, Missouri?
Fight The Bite provides a full slate of pest control solutions, including bed bug eradication, to Southwest Missouri.
Call us today at 417-522-1242 or contact us online for a free quote.